Professional Journey of Dentist Inês Mendes in The Netherlands
We present a series of questions and answers that explore the experience of a dental professional in the Netherlands.
Each question addresses a different aspect of adaptation and professional practice in this country, from initial communication and integration challenges to local norms, workplace relationships, and the local dental healthcare system.
The professional shares their experiences regarding cultural and linguistic adaptation, differences in clinical practice between the Netherlands and Portugal, and available professional development opportunities.
Additionally, they offer valuable advice for colleagues interested in exploring similar opportunities, highlighting the importance of resilience and an open mind.
This exchange of experiences aims to provide insights and prepare other professionals for a smooth and successful transition to working abroad, specifically in the Netherlands.
1. What were the initial challenges when starting your practice in The Netherlands?
Essentially, communication with patients, particularly due to the language barrier, but also because of the differences between Dutch and Portuguese patients that inevitably require a different approach.
2. How was the process of adapting to local norms and practices? (What were the biggest challenges)
Relatively simple, as the Netherlands is extremely organised, which generally facilitates everything we need to do. Perhaps the most challenging aspect at first is adapting to the fact that (almost) everything operates by appointment (usually during working hours), but it works. Initially, everything may seem overly bureaucratic and complicated, but once you understand how things work.
3. What is the work environment like, and how are the relationships with colleagues and patients like in this country?
My work environment has always been pleasant, with friendly and helpful colleagues. Patients tend to be easier to deal with as they trust the professionals and question treatment options less.
4. What are the main differences you observed between clinical practice in the Netherlands and Portugal?
Essentially, the greater economic power of the population, which limits the types of treatments performed less.
5. Are there professional development opportunities available for dentists in The Netherlands? Does the employer facilitate or encourage this investment?
I believe so, but my choice of training would not be in the Netherlands. However, any investment in training will be valued by any employer.
6. What is your opinion on the dental healthcare system in the Netherlands?
Quite good due to its focus on prevention.
7. How was your overall experience working as a dentist in the Netherlands, and would you recommend this experience to other professionals in the field?
Overall, it was a positive experience that I would recommend.
8. What advice would you give to a colleague interested in a professional experience in The Netherlands?
Don't be afraid to take risks, keep an open mind to new experiences, and be aware that it is necessary to be quite resilient.
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